

Sauteed Trout with Sage & Wine Butter

Adapted from a 2013 recipe from Food & Wine Magazine, this Sauteed Trout 'wows' in every way. It's flavorful and quick. An elevated weeknight meal that pairs well with any type of side from risotto or herb roasted potatoes to steamed asparagus or a simple spring salad.

I grew up eating trout. Until middle school, aside from fish sticks, it was the only fish I had ever eaten. We'd spend weekends camping along side the trout streams in Wardensville; Paddy's Run was a huge part of my life. I never had the patience to fish, so I spent more time picking flowers and flipping over stones looking for crawfish while wadding through the cold stream. My brother's continue the tradition and you can find them in April and October camping along side Waits Run. Trout is a taste of home for me, a homage to my childhood. Last night I brought home two of our beautiful butterflied trout. From start to finish this dish was complete in just under 20 minutes.


-2 butterflied trout

-3 tbsp olive oil

-3 tbsp unsalted butter

-15-20 fresh sage leaves

-1/3c white wine (something light and crisp)


1. Pat dry the trout and salt & pepper the skin

2. Heat 2 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp butter, once butter is melted and oil is hot, lay trout in on one side and allow to cook for 5-7 minutes until easily flipped. Be gentle here, because you want the skin to stay intact so it gets nice and crisp. Once flipped cooked second side for an additioanl 5-7 minutes. Remove from pan and let sit on serving plate.

3. Wipe out pan and add the remaining 1 tbsp olive oil and the sage leaves. Cook for 1 minute- sage leaves will get slightly crisped. Do not let them burn. After 1minute pour oil and sage over top of the plated trout

4. Add to the hot pan 1/3c white wine and let reduce to about 3 tbsp liquid. Add butter into the wine and gently wisk to incorporate while it melts. Pour butter and wine mix over the trout. And voila! A beautiful, quick, healthy meal that will please everyone.

Pair with a fresh spring salad consisting of baby greens, cucumber and sweet onion or herb roasted potatoes. You could also steam roast asparagus or make a risotto depending on how quickly you need to get this on the table.


Photo Credit: Food & Wine Magazine 2013

Recipe Credit: Food & Wine Magazine 2013